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JG Russell | profile | all galleries >> Vacations & Trips >> Southern Africa 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southern Africa 2008

Once in a lifetime trip
to Southern Africa --
South Africa, Botswana,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia
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Slender mongoose
Slender mongoose
Lioness with cubs 2
Lioness with cubs 2
Lioness with cubs
Lioness with cubs
Eagles fighting over remains of genet
Eagles fighting over remains of genet
Eagles fighting over remains of genet 2
Eagles fighting over remains of genet 2
Elephants at Savute waterhole
Elephants at Savute waterhole
Grass and reeds at sunset
Grass and reeds at sunset
Ball-shaped grass plant
Ball-shaped grass plant
Feather-like grass plant
Feather-like grass plant
Bushman rock art 3000-4000 yrs old
Bushman rock art 3000-4000 yrs old
Fred calling attention to rock art
Fred calling attention to rock art
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