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Jeff Flogel | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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ben 12-Mar-2012 05:14
Great pics! I'm thinking of the riding a vtr1000f to the artic circle sign, would you have time to provide me insight?
Tom F. 09-May-2011 15:06
Am/was scheduled to do a trip from Seattle to Denali and back this summer. Buddy wrecked and can't make the trip. Thinking of tacking it solo. Can I pick your brain?
AR 17-Oct-2010 01:04
Great bunch of pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 31-Jul-2009 07:57
I came across your photos while searching Auschwitz camps. I found myself viewing all of your pictures, loved them. You are quite handsome as well. Could you recommend a high quality slr camera for novice photography? If so, you can contact me through
Guest 07-Jul-2009 17:21
I'm in the Navy and headed to the Horn in December 09'. I'd like to ask you some questions about the duty there. Thank you. I hope to hear from you.
Jeff Flogel28-Feb-2009 14:46
There are over a dozen documented deaths of U.S. soldiers in which the official cause of death is an electric shock received in a shower. Wikipedia and both define electrocution as death or fatal injury from an electric shock. Sounds like electrocution to me.
Curtis 28-Feb-2009 01:22
That is awesome pictures Jeff, but I did not like the comment about soldiers getting electrocuted in Iraq. I was over there from 2003 to 2006 and I know why there was "shocking" but never an 'electrocution".
However, the pictures are amazing and if you would like to know the real reason of the shocking, I would be happy to speak to you about it.
I have enjoyed the pictures and encourage you to continue your spectacular work.
Linda Larva 18-Feb-2008 16:45
I enjoyed your journey through your pictures. What an exciting time you have served. Take care and enjoy your new life state side and thank you for serving which means so much to me.
Guest 15-May-2006 05:59
Hmm. I put my e-mail in the message but it dis not seem to transmit. It is
guest 15-May-2006 05:57

Excellent images! I am giving a talk on crystal structure and would like to use one of your images of the hexagonal colums in the Giant's Causeway. I will burn in the credit line "© Jeff Flogel" or whatever you wish. The image will not be used in any other context without your permission.

Thanks .. .. David Malin
Guest 24-Mar-2006 08:04
Hey Jeff, 2 am with homework insomnia, random search and came up with your gallery, nice memories, also trying to identify some of the trails that we have crossed such as czech republic and budapest. elder bro JR
Nancy Daniels26-Feb-2006 23:05
Are you the Belmont native I knew as a little kid the same age as my Barbara?
Nancy Daniels
Rob Flogel 03-Jan-2006 21:44
Hey jeff i did not even know that you had this thing going on the net i was looking at dad's pics and saw the web site so i checked it out
Gabriella 16-Mar-2005 19:35
Congratulation for your photos! I would like to use some of them from Naples and Pinetamare.Could you please let me know if i can ? Gabriella Rinaldi.
Neasa 03-Feb-2005 05:12
Jeff -- I'm writing my thesis on language movements in Belfast, and I'm wondering if you'd be willing to let me use a few of your photos in the appendix of my work. It won't be published but of course I'll credit you fully. Could you email me at ? thanks so much.
Will Crider 25-Jan-2005 19:12
Cool pictures. I especially like the field in Ireland. Very peaceful and relaxing.

Jeff Cochran24-Oct-2004 16:22
Wonderful galleries! Thanks for sharing.
Christina Neel Bond08-Apr-2004 07:18
Beautiful photo of the mosque, Jeff! Look forward to seeing more pictures, BI-ZATCH!