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jessie_wang | profile | all galleries >> Around the World >> China >> China 2009 >> 帝都西安 Xi'an - City of Emperors >> East 东线 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

East 东线

East (Banpo archaeological site, Terracotta Army, Huaqing Palace, Li Mountain, Hanyang Tomb Museum)
Terracotta Army 兵马俑
:: Terracotta Army 兵马俑 ::
Banpo Ruins 半坡遗址
:: Banpo Ruins 半坡遗址 ::
Li Mountain & Huaqing Palace 骊山,华清池
:: Li Mountain & Huaqing Palace 骊山,华清池 ::
Han Yang Mausoleum 汉阳陵
:: Han Yang Mausoleum 汉阳陵 ::