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Travel Images - Xinjiang (Urumqi & Turpan)


Xinjiang is the largest province of China, covering an area of 1.6 million square kilometres. It is located in the northwest of the country to the north of Tibet, and is surrounded by Mongolia, Russia, Kazakstan, Kirghistan and Pakistan. The ancient Silk Road that once linked Asia and Europe cuts through Xinjiang, and the historical sites along the Silk Road routes as well as the natural scenery and cultural diversity of its people, give Xinjiang a sense of mystery that draws tourists to visit the province today.

We spent a leisurely 5 days in Xinjiang, covering only Urumqi & Turpan, and I share with you here some impressions of the place and its people, as seen through my camera lens.

Scenery of Urumqi & Turpan
[ Scenery of Urumqi & Turpan ]
Where Is Urumqi & Turpan?
Where Is Urumqi & Turpan?
People of Urumqi & Turpan
[ People of Urumqi & Turpan ]