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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> I'm So Vain, I Probably Think This Gallery is About Me > Lid SP
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Lid SP

Casio EX-Z750
1/8s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ray :)25-Jan-2008 19:32
Hang on Jen, I'll just turn the fan off.
Paradoxal Studio Classic14-Jan-2008 23:40
and great !
CreativeWiseGal13-Jan-2008 23:39
Looking at the thumbnail, I just knew I was going to have company in the bad morning hair department! Alas, it's just gravity hair :-) Fun photo!
Guest 12-Jan-2008 11:48
This is such a great and brave SP, Jen. Shows even the most glamerous people are human!:>))
Bill Ewart Jr12-Jan-2008 01:55
Did it take long to get your hair trained that way???!~
Guest 12-Jan-2008 01:12
:^) Edward Scissorshand.
My hair is too short and thin to look like that.
Curvin 11-Jan-2008 22:51
This is what Jen's hair looked like at the bus stop the other morning...really :-)
Silvia Roitman11-Jan-2008 22:12
Linda Matta11-Jan-2008 20:47
OMG - this is such a great SP Jen!!!! Love all the cool angles, and of course, the funky hair and jammies!
Guest 11-Jan-2008 20:02
Your hair cracks me up,k but the yoga jammies are the best!
J. Scott Coile11-Jan-2008 18:24
Bold. :-)
Cliff11-Jan-2008 18:07
Cool shot of a great 'hairday' :o)
Nicki Thurgar10-Jan-2008 21:37
LOL! took me a while to work this out... fabulous SP!
Lee Rudd10-Jan-2008 21:34
are you floating in the space shuttle!!! nice hair day :)
JW10-Jan-2008 19:51
Wow! Full of entertainment! Watch out for the PJ police though!!
Pic Chick10-Jan-2008 19:03
What?!?! No hair net?!??! Call the Health Dept!!!!!
Dan Chusid10-Jan-2008 18:32
My hair looks like that on most mornings!
Lookin' good in those kewl bottoms!
PS: Hey, whatcha got cookin' in that pot?
Carole Stevens10-Jan-2008 12:05
Great shot Jen, this is awesome, its another new hairstyle isnt it lol!
Guest 10-Jan-2008 09:23
Hey, lady long legs!
Jola Dziubinska10-Jan-2008 09:21
Fantastic! And I like your pants :)
Ann...10-Jan-2008 07:39
Are you sure you're not upsidedown???? Wonderful!!!
Guest 10-Jan-2008 05:44
YES! this rocks!
Bill Warren10-Jan-2008 05:12
why not a pot lid?
Char10-Jan-2008 04:28
Hi Jen,
Love it!!
FairEnigma10-Jan-2008 04:15
Some people wil go out and buy a fish eye lens to get this dear are awesome!
...and Life IS Good!
carol j. phipps10-Jan-2008 02:57
This is GREAT! You go girl!
Robin Reid10-Jan-2008 01:47
Much fun ... a shot of the pot .... trying to look hot....Not.
Guest 10-Jan-2008 01:45
Life is good
Jen Bixler10-Jan-2008 01:37
Curvin says it reminds him of his Grandma! LOL!
Cindi Smith10-Jan-2008 01:21
Girlfriend, that is how my hair looks when I wake up in the morning! Seriously! I scare the dang dog! This made me laugh out loud! You even look good with your hair on end! Your sense of humor always makes my day!
Joe Lasker10-Jan-2008 01:06
That's what I look like in the morning too.
royalld10-Jan-2008 00:33
I predict you will start a new hairsytle with this image.
Deborah Lewis10-Jan-2008 00:31
Hope you are going to do your hair! LOL
Barbara Heide10-Jan-2008 00:19
cool! great shot! v
R. Walls10-Jan-2008 00:18
Looks windy!
Mike Stobbs09-Jan-2008 23:59
Your PJ's are happy..but what about you....great image Jen......
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