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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> I'm So Vain, I Probably Think This Gallery is About Me > New Shoes
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New Shoes

All the pbase chicks are showing off their shoes today!
Perfect timing since my Mama bought me some new kickers last week for the wedding!
Did I mention that it is okay to be spoiled,
just not rotten!
Another thank you to my Mom.
I would be LOST without you.

Casio EX-Z750
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Paradoxal Studio Classic06-Jul-2007 20:14
Perfect reflect.
Nice shoes, you will look taller with them !
Shayne03-Jul-2007 22:01
not even a little bit spoiled ... every girl needs new shoes ~LOL~
Guest 30-Jun-2007 17:38
Sheila30-Jun-2007 03:19
Great composition, very nice shoes!
mojoflowerchick30-Jun-2007 01:56
love the pic.. great creativity. i LOVE my momma like that too.. where would we be without them..
noearlybird30-Jun-2007 00:57
I love your comment to Mom. I ALWAYS used to say "I would be lost without you" to my mom. Now I find myself saying it to my oldest daughter (29). Kathie
noearlybird30-Jun-2007 00:42
This is really cool! Kathie
Guest 29-Jun-2007 23:56
Nice shoes,Jen, you are indeed a lucky girl! Looks like you are also a contortionist!:0)
Jessica McCollum29-Jun-2007 20:20
Very nice shoes!
Carole Stevens29-Jun-2007 19:57
PBase gals ROCK! love these shoes too Jen and your famous toes!
Cindi Smith29-Jun-2007 18:17
I love this! Those shoes rock! You and Deb are the best! Love the pink toenails!
beverley harrison29-Jun-2007 17:24
ohhh to get into that position!! ;)
Deborah Lewis29-Jun-2007 17:14
Love the reflections! Great shot!
Jola Dziubinska29-Jun-2007 16:48
Nicely presented, Jen.
Ann...29-Jun-2007 16:01
Great shoes, novel POV !
Robin Reid29-Jun-2007 15:53
Very creative POV Jen.... I'm impressed.
Dan Chusid29-Jun-2007 15:48
Think you can do The Twist in those?
I wanna see!
Nicki Thurgar29-Jun-2007 15:47
Oh no, Ray... JW's not a chick either but he's playing the game... ;o)
Great shot, Jen, love the shoes & love the unusual composition!!
Ray :)29-Jun-2007 15:38
I'm not a chick so that let's me off doing all this :)
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