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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Totally Informal Thursday Challenge > BlaK Thursday
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BlaK Thursday

This Thursday's Totally Informal Challenge....BLACK.

Casio EX-Z750
1/8s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
CJ Burianek08-Oct-2006 01:55
Great image and idea!
Scott Browne07-Oct-2006 20:39
I'm just now catching up with people's entries. Great idea.
Guest 06-Oct-2006 06:11
Cool............nice entry!!!
Dave Wixx06-Oct-2006 02:07
Coke qualifies as a drug, so..........................How many different type of the same stuff can you have!!!
shatterbug06-Oct-2006 01:48
Cool your idea, and especially love the light showing through the bottle! How is this stuff?
Cindi Smith06-Oct-2006 00:02
Wow! Didn't know they made black coca cola! Great idea. Does it taste good?
Chris05-Oct-2006 23:01
Super shot -I love the stuff but suspect it's probably very bad for you. Chris
Bill Warren05-Oct-2006 22:59
I didn't know such a variation existed.
wernere0105-Oct-2006 20:39
A new type with full size coffee beans within? Cool!
Barbara Heide05-Oct-2006 20:37
lol! cute entry!
chrisse05-Oct-2006 19:25
Is this a new taste of Coca Cola ? Great image.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography05-Oct-2006 18:05
very clever !
joanteno05-Oct-2006 17:41
royalld05-Oct-2006 17:36
I thought I had already commented on this...
... I guess not...
Anyway, Great image. I am trying to determine how you are holding the bottle.
I don't think that is a glass it is being poured into, is it?
Dan Chusid05-Oct-2006 17:03
For a little bottle, that one looks gigantic!
Must be the family size.
: )
BAS Photography05-Oct-2006 16:58
Excellent shot! Love it! ~V~
John Beck05-Oct-2006 16:15
Never tried it either. Looks good though. Nice idea and execution.
Guest 05-Oct-2006 15:22
does this stuff really work, cause I could use some!
Bill Ewart Jr05-Oct-2006 14:57
I don't know how I missed this idea.....been thinking of all black categories......of course BLAK~ Wonderful!! I've never had one but it's a blend of coffee and coke....hmmm, black coffee and coke? v
Guest 05-Oct-2006 14:20
very nicely done
Guest 05-Oct-2006 14:10
Is it as good as the image?
never tried it
J. Scott Coile05-Oct-2006 14:01
Never tried it. Nice one Jen!
Jola Dziubinska05-Oct-2006 13:54
Terrific shot, bravo!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-Oct-2006 13:19
Good idea, nice colors and ligt, and quite good fit :)
Susan Leigh05-Oct-2006 12:34
Great image!! we don't get that here ;-(
Deborah Lewis05-Oct-2006 11:49
Love the pix but never tried it!
Faye White05-Oct-2006 11:47
I love this stuff! cool pic!
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