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Dave Taylor | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Introduction: A Sense of Wildness tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Introduction: A Sense of Wildness

Begin your tour here. These are some of my favorite images and are
drawn from the various galleries on this site. Think of this as the short-hand
version of the web site.

In my images, books and talks I try to convey a sense of wildness to my audience.
The images contained in this gallery are samples of my work from around the world.
You will find also these images in related galleries.

All images are Copyright © 2012 J.D. Taylor "Senses of Wildness" Inc.
These images may not be used in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved.

To purchase rights for these images please contact Dave at
White-tailed deer leaping sequence
White-tailed deer leaping sequence
Small Predator, Large Prey
Small Predator, Large Prey
Modifying the environment (Desert elephant, Namibia)
Modifying the environment (Desert elephant, Namibia)
Magnificent, Greater Kudu (m)
Magnificent, Greater Kudu (m)
Winter Flock, Northern Shovellor
Winter Flock, Northern Shovellor
Out of Sync, Redhead Ducks (m)
Out of Sync, Redhead Ducks (m)
Nosing Around, Grizzly Bear
Nosing Around, Grizzly Bear
Spring Wanderer, Grizzly Bear
Spring Wanderer, Grizzly Bear
Maneuvering, Great Gray Owl
Maneuvering, Great Gray Owl
Forest Ghost, Great Gray Owl
Forest Ghost, Great Gray Owl
Brief Squabble, Gemsbok
Brief Squabble, Gemsbok
Common Goldeneye (m)
Common Goldeneye (m)
The Struggle For Life (Lion and Zebra)
The Struggle For Life (Lion and Zebra)
Pigeons' Worst Nightmare, Peregrine Falcon
Pigeons' Worst Nightmare, Peregrine Falcon
Jungle Jewel, Violet sabre-wing m
Jungle Jewel, Violet sabre-wing m
Unzipping, Bottle-nosed dolphin
Unzipping, Bottle-nosed dolphin
Reclining cheetah, Tanzania (print 20x12)
Reclining cheetah, Tanzania (print 20x12)
Storm Front, Bush Elephants
Storm Front, Bush Elephants
Put in Her Place, Common zebra
Put in Her Place, Common zebra
Please...Eat the Daisies, Black Rhino
Please...Eat the Daisies, Black Rhino