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John C. de Freitas | profile | all galleries >> Places We Have Visited >> Italy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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2017 - Theresa & Mary Frances - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Theresa & Mary Frances - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Riomaggiore - Cinque Terra, Liguria - Italy
2017 - Riomaggiore - Cinque Terra, Liguria - Italy
2017 - Riomaggiore - Cinque Terra, Liguria - Italy
2017 - Riomaggiore - Cinque Terra, Liguria - Italy
2017 - Piazza di Santa Crose - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Piazza di Santa Crose - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Viareggio, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Viareggio, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Viareggio, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Viareggio, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2017 - Florence, Tuscany - Italy
2011 - Pantheon, Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
2011 - Pantheon, Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
Piazza Navona - Rome, Italy
Piazza Navona - Rome, Italy
Fontana di Trevi - Rome, Italy
Fontana di Trevi - Rome, Italy
2011 - Bari, Italy
2011 - Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Venice, Italy - HDR
2011 - Venice, Italy - HDR
2011 - Venice, Italy
2011 - Venice, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy - Doors & Windows
Bari, Italy - Doors & Windows
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Bari, Italy
2011 - Bari, Italy
2011 - Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II - Rome, Italy
2011 - Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II - Rome, Italy
2011 - Rome, Italy
2011 - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza del Rotonda - Rome, Italy
2011 - Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II - Rome, Italy
2011 - Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II - Rome, Italy
2011 - Basilica di San Pietro - Vaticano
2011 - Basilica di San Pietro - Vaticano
2011 - Fontana di Trevi - Rome, Italy
2011 - Fontana di Trevi - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza Navona - Rome, Italy
2011 - Piazza Navona - Rome, Italy
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