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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Patterns > 2015 - Praça do Comércio, Lisboa - Portugal
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2015 - Praça do Comércio, Lisboa - Portugal

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Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.8
1/250s f/8.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield22-May-2016 15:35
Excellent light and perspective. V
danad22-May-2016 15:09
Great light, details and perspective. V.
fotabug22-May-2016 14:46
Excellent viewpoint! A most enjoyable scene!
Ann Cleeves22-May-2016 13:11
Perfect perspective, colour shades, lighting and details. Really beautiful.
Gilles Navet22-May-2016 12:59
Un traitement comme une peinture, de la douceur, une belle composition
Super v Gilles
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