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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Toronto, My Home Town > 2015 - Steve Stergiadis, Devil in Disguise - Buskerfest Toronto, Ontario - Canada
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2015 - Steve Stergiadis, Devil in Disguise - Buskerfest Toronto, Ontario - Canada

This photograph was the 1st place winner in the PBase 413th Show & Tell Competition: "Street Culture"
"Great composition, capturing the many expressions on the faces of the audience, taken from the level of the child, with the photo framed perfectly to focus on the performer and the ball in the middle. This captures true street culture! Over to you now, John!" Vivek SenGupta

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PBase Show & Tell Competition Winning Photographs


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Julie Oldfield04-May-2017 13:53
Wonderful! V
GaleriaFotoStefan25-Dec-2016 07:36
Great capture! V
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