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John C. de Freitas | profile | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> trial01 >> 2013_03_17 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Untitled Document newgallery1 Photo Gallery by John C. de Freitas at

most_recent Photo Gallery by John C. de Freitas at

A Treasury of Photographic Memories

Welcome; I hope you enjoy the photographs in my "treasury of memories". Photography enables me to capture the beauty of nature and man's efforts to co-exist with it in so many different environments. Travel enables me to view similar subjects in different surroundings and allows me to take the simplest subject matter and find beauty in it for all to enjoy.

My work is motivated by attention to detail, capturing basic elements of design and unique variations of the ordinary.

I am passionate about photography in all its forms. My galleries are not limited to my portrait photography. If you enjoy my work please leave a comment. I do enjoy hearing from you!
To visit a gallery, just click on the thumbnail below. To view an individual photograph click on the thumbnail of the photograph. All images are best viewed in large size. Click "original" below the photograph to achieve this.

Please note that all photographs are shown in low resolution. If you are interested in a photograph, a high resolution is available by contacting John
by e-mail.
Thank you for visiting and as always, I appreciate your vote and comments...
John de Freitas
The slideshow shows "most recent" gallery.
2012 - Canada Blooms - Toronto
2012 - Canada Blooms - Toronto
2012 - Ken Barichello - Albufeira, Algarve - Portugal
2012 - Ken Barichello - Albufeira, Algarve - Portugal