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Jim Cassatt | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Photography has been my hobby since high school. However, I have always wanted complete control over the whole process. Unfortunately I could never master color processing and lacked patience to spend hours in the darkroom. Then digital processing came along, first in the form of scanning and then in the form of high resolution cameras. I acquired my Canon 300D when it first came out; I have been in heaven.

PS: I do some commercial work. You can reach me at
Washington DC and Surrounding Communities
:: Washington DC and Surrounding Communities ::
Crystal City--Where I live.
:: Crystal City--Where I live. ::
Recent Trips
:: Recent Trips ::
Falls Church, VA
:: Falls Church, VA ::
Our trip to Athens, Mykonos and Santorini
:: Our trip to Athens, Mykonos and Santorini ::
Street Photography and Candids
:: Street Photography and Candids ::
:: ::People:: ::
A Caregiver's Escape
:: A Caregiver's Escape ::
COVID-19 Respite
:: COVID-19 Respite ::
:: Nepal ::
Fuji X-E1--First Pictures
:: Fuji X-E1--First Pictures ::
Walking Around
:: Walking Around ::
::PTNY--Cycling the Erie Canal::
:: ::PTNY--Cycling the Erie Canal:: ::
:: ::Churches:: ::
::Reflecting on Fall Colors::
:: ::Reflecting on Fall Colors:: ::
Mexico, 12/2016
:: Mexico, 12/2016 ::
Antigua, Montserrat and Barbuda
:: Antigua, Montserrat and Barbuda ::
Our Weekend in Key West
:: Our Weekend in Key West ::
Recent Trips
:: Recent Trips ::
::National Zoo::
:: ::National Zoo:: ::
Washington  DC 2007 Auto Show
:: Washington DC 2007 Auto Show ::
:: ::Macros:: ::
::Arlington National Cemetary::
:: ::Arlington National Cemetary:: ::
::Washington DC Photo Safari::
:: ::Washington DC Photo Safari:: ::
::Taken with my digital rebel::
:: ::Taken with my digital rebel:: ::
::Canon 5D vs 300D::
:: ::Canon 5D vs 300D:: ::
:: Sports ::
Along the Potomac
:: Along the Potomac ::
San Francisco
:: San Francisco ::
:: Condo ::
A Weekend in iceland
:: A Weekend in iceland ::
:: Interiors ::
:: Cuba-2022 ::
Tidbits from Texas
:: Tidbits from Texas ::