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JB | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mosaics of Ravenna > Basilica of Saint Vitale #1 (detail)
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21-AUG-2005 James L. Board

Basilica of Saint Vitale #1 (detail)

Ravenna, Italy

An extraordinary example of Byzantine architecture, the Basilica of Saint Vitale was built between 527 & 548.

The massive expanses of colorful and highly detailed mosaics are still breathtaking even after nearly 1500 years.

Above is shown the Redeemer from the vault of the apse.
For a larger view of this mosaic:

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 28mm f/1.4D AF
1/60s f/2.5 at 28.0mm iso200 with Flash Img003904crop1.jpg full exif

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Chris Sofopoulos04-Sep-2005 15:14
One of the most interesting mosaics are in Ravenna. Nice photo!
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