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James Clarke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Galleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Galleries

Everything posted to PBase since 2015, when I decided to up the resolution of the photos that I posted to this site. This doesn't necessarily mean the photos were taken since 2015, I'm planning to post higher resolution versions of older photos to the sub galleries of this gallery as well as new photos. The newest galleries will appear at the top left.
My Garden
:: My Garden ::
Higashiyama Hanatouro Highlights
:: Higashiyama Hanatouro Highlights ::
Retro New World
:: Retro New World ::
Byodo-in (The 10yen Temple)
:: Byodo-in (The 10yen Temple) ::
An Evening in Amerika-mura
:: An Evening in Amerika-mura ::