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James Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mission Japan > The Day After the Typhoon
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08/10/2009 James Clarke

The Day After the Typhoon

Nagaokakyo and Kamigamo, Kyoto-fu, Japan

On the night of the 7th of October, I experienced my first typhoon since arriving in Japan last year. Actually it's very rare for a Typhoon to come to Kyoto, maybe only once every five years or so. Where Ritsuko comes from in Kyushu, they get Typhoons more frequently, so she is experienced in dealing with them. So we brought everything inside, including the bicycles and pot plants and closed all of the shutters on the windows and doors. Then I went to bed determined to sleep it out. Once it came (although we where not in the direct path) our little wooden and weather board house was shaking all about and it was difficult to sleep. Then I heard the sound of the bamboo blind on the back balcony scraping up and down. I had forgotten about that! I didn't want to go out into the storm so I just left it. In the morning after the typhoon had passed I took the photo on the left, before cleaning it all up from the roof and the road!
My parents phoned me about 10am, and I asked them did they notice anything, but they were almost oblivious to it in the reinforced concrete hotel they were staying!
In the afternoon the weather came good and so we decided to meet up with mum and dad. Together we went to see Kamigamo Shrine and the historical area surrounding it. It was in the grounds of Kamigamo Shrine where we saw the damage to the huge tree which is in the photograph on the right.

Casio EX-Z850 ,Built in 7.9-23.7mm
(left) 1/100s f/2.8 at 7.9mm (right) 1/200s f/5.6 at 14.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Simon Chandler30-Nov-2009 04:31
Excellent record of the event. v

I don't like typhoons, they can be very scary.
12330-Nov-2009 00:42
Excellent documentary image. Indeed, glad you are safe. V
Sam_C29-Nov-2009 19:56
Excellent shot and caption James. Glad you got to experience a typhoon unscathed!! BV
Ali Majdfar29-Nov-2009 11:52
Glad you're safe!
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