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James Clarke | profile | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Sports >> A Day at the Footy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Day at the Footy

On the 31/03/2007 I went to watch the Fremantle Dockers take on Port Adelaide, well unfortunately the Dockers lost, but at least I got some good snaps. All of these were taken with my Casio EX-Z850 point and shoot, next time I shall bring my D50 and 70-300 lens to get much closer in to the action.
P.S. I found out they don't allow "Professional" cameras (how they define this is not clear, but I won't push my luck with a dSLR + 70-300 lens) into the AFL games unless you're one of the official photographers.
P.P.S You can take any camera you wish to the state level WAFL games, check out some very professional photos by Vick Soulios (a former colleague of mine) at some WAFL games here:-
At Subi Oval
At Subi Oval
Spread Out
Spread Out
The Goal Posts
The Goal Posts
A Passionate Viking
A Passionate Viking
In a Couple of Huddles
In a Couple of Huddles
At the Start of the 3rd Quarter
At the Start of the 3rd Quarter
Waving the Flag
Waving the Flag
A Big Kick
A Big Kick
In the thick of it
In the thick of it
A True Fan
A True Fan
The TV Camera-man
The TV Camera-man