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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Trains (mainly from Sweden) >> Roslagsbanan before 1985 >> Abandoned narrow gauge tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Abandoned narrow gauge

On a cold but bright autumn day in November 1981, I walked by the narrow-gauge rail line between Kårsta and Rimbo, having my trusty Minolta XM loaded with black-and-white Plus-X pan film. This rail line was closed in January the same year. A year later, the cantenary and track were gone.

Part of the Roslagsbanan network had concrete centenary poles as a result of WWII austerity. The electrification of the Rimbo branch was completed in 1946.

These pictures were sorted in under the folder "not interesting" in my picture binder (and, some may argue that it's the right place for them) but some 25 years later, I must admit that my judgement has changed. Having traveled with the trains on that branch for years, these pictures surely bring up memories. The track condition the last years was terrible and we're talking about a real bumpy ride. However, at this branch, the line follows the lake Sparren and goes through dense and deserted forest, a mood which I think is fairly well captured in these shots.

The former rail line is today converted to a riding path.
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