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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Ruins of despair >> The abandoned mini golf course tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The abandoned mini golf course

There is almost something touching with places that simply fade away due to the nature of evolution. While things get bigger, faster, flashier, sweeter, cooler and richer, there are places that seem to prevail in almost a Buddhist way, trying to sustain the meager way things use to be.

This abandoned mini golf course, presented in zenith of Swedish autumn dullness, is to me the ultimate sign of a changing world facing an increasing variety of offerings, all competing for the customer's favor. Whereas I personally clearly recall when I excitingly entered a windy and rainy mini golf course some forty years ago with its simple home-made setup, typically located in the back-yard of a gas station or a budget hostel, today this is just so off. The "value add" is just so low and competition for entertainment is so fierce that it all looks so futile and lame.

Interesting and thoughtful, I think - but without sentimentality. Just like this camping site faded away and this amusement park perished, things change.
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