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:: Lightmeters ::

Agfa Lucimeter S
Agfa Lucimeter S
Asahi Pentax clip-on meter
Asahi Pentax clip-on meter
Bertram amateur version 2
Bertram amateur version 2
BEWI Quick
BEWI Quick
Fodor Hyper VI Light
Fodor Hyper VI Light
Gossen Ombrux 2 (post WWII)
Gossen Ombrux 2 (post WWII)
Gossen Polysix electronic
Gossen Polysix electronic
Gossen Sixon Color Finder 'ABCDE'
Gossen Sixon Color Finder 'ABCDE'
Gossen Sixon Color Finder 'Kelvin'
Gossen Sixon Color Finder 'Kelvin'
Gossen Sixtomat x 3 Color Finder
Gossen Sixtomat x 3 Color Finder
Gossen Sixtry
Gossen Sixtry
Harwix Examat
Harwix Examat
Leningrad 4
Leningrad 4
Revue S-101
Revue S-101
Rex mini Rex II version 5
Rex mini Rex II version 5
Rex 300
Rex 300
Sekonic Auto – Lumi L 86
Sekonic Auto – Lumi L 86
Sekonic Auto range L-216
Sekonic Auto range L-216
Showa Koden Unittic Model 32
Showa Koden Unittic Model 32
Universa Auto
Universa Auto
Weimarlux Version 2
Weimarlux Version 2
Weston master IV
Weston master IV
Yashica YEM35
Yashica YEM35