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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Painting With Light Night Photography > KicK aXe
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May 5th 2007 Mike Stobbs

KicK aXe

This image took first place in the 58th Pbase Show & Tell Competition

The bands former bus.
Their old tour bus sit's in a old yard just out of town.
Glenn and I painted this at 12:15am just after moonrise.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Apr-2012 13:04
Amazing :) V
Milan Vogrin12-Feb-2009 23:23
Guest 13-Oct-2008 05:43
I really like this one a lot.
Guest 12-Sep-2008 03:34
Congrads and very well deserved!
Bob Reynolds23-Jul-2008 03:13
I love this one. Superbly executed.
Michele Lee27-Mar-2008 14:40
Such awesome painting! Very neat pic! V
The Last European14-Oct-2007 12:39
phantastic shot!
Guest 13-Sep-2007 17:26
Love this shot, well done! Cinco de Mayo is my b-day! Voted!!!!!!!
Mark Krauss10-Sep-2007 16:29
Nice one!
Guest 09-Sep-2007 22:05
Great work. Voted
Milos Markovic11-Aug-2007 17:02
Excellent capture!
Guest 06-May-2007 05:32
Fantastic treatment. Big vote.
Cindi Smith05-May-2007 22:20
Wow! This is great! Huge vote!!!!!
Marc Demoulin05-May-2007 20:50
coaster05-May-2007 18:08
Nice shot!
JW05-May-2007 17:32
Awesome piece of creativity! V
Guest 05-May-2007 17:16
Yes. Yes. Yes. I remember Kick Axe :) Great light painting!
Greg Harp05-May-2007 15:22
Masterful work. V
Jim Larkin05-May-2007 15:10
Very cool. Did you paint the lights or is there battery power? Great image Mike.
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