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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Country Churches > Old Church On The Hill Kayville SK
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Old Church On The Hill Kayville SK

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Guest 07-Feb-2019 16:15
Looking for permission to paint a derivative of this image
Bill Hutzel 03-Feb-2016 15:46
I am asking permission to use the old church on the hill photo for an article I am writing for on Amazing Grace. All artists are given credit for their works on my site.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.
guest 01-Feb-2013 13:06
You can contact they guy who painted it and is trying to save it at
Guest 01-Feb-2013 13:05
You can contact they guy who painted it and is trying to save it at
Guest 01-Feb-2013 13:05
You can contact they guy who painted it and is trying to save it at
Pamela Elizabeth 23-Jan-2011 19:44
I would love to draw that beautiful pic of the old church on the hill. Thinking...maybe indian ink and graphite. Is it possible to do that?
May I have your permission?
Guest 05-Oct-2009 22:02
Fortunately the pic above is past tense. Currently, with a fresh coat of paint and needed repairs the building looks far more inviting.
hi 05-Jun-2008 08:28
wow hammer house of horror lol
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