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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Macro & Close-up Gallery > Young & Old 14436
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Young & Old 14436

Going bananas

Photographed in Ottawa, Ontario - the capital of Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Giancarlo Guzzardi10-Jun-2008 09:45
beautiful idea and compo
Guest 09-Jun-2008 22:26
That's really cool! I like it a lot. Great!
QUERIDO07-Jun-2008 17:53
Beautiful shot,vote
monica memoli07-Jun-2008 17:35
Nice curve. v
Mary Bowles07-Jun-2008 16:38
Perfectly composed, each banana throwing a curving, coloured reflection upon the other,with a soft, glowing light. And, not least, a great title.
What's not to like.
Hurry up and eat the yellow one, though !
TuTmin07-Jun-2008 15:30
beautiful capture.beautifully seen & done.V~
Guest 07-Jun-2008 15:10
Curve and colour say it all, great! _V_
Silvia Roitman07-Jun-2008 14:45
Nancy Good07-Jun-2008 14:17
Brilliant! I absolutely love the lines and colors in this. Nicely done. V