I went back to Leigh's Mill Pond today to take some long exposure photos. I had a bunch of keepers after my Post Processing so I added a new gallery for the one's that didn't make my PaD:
This was a tough choice, I went with this photo, a continuation of last night's SP PaD. The zoom technique is working quite well with this tripod.
Today's goal (at home) was to work on getting decent prints out of my printer from Lightroom. After a few tries with a snapshot or two, I decided to take a photo of the Gretag MacBeth color card and print it. I have come to the conclusion that the Epson RX580 was never meant to produce awesome photos. I had a hell of a time trying to find ICC profiles for it on the web. I never did find the profiles, I did find some profiles for a Japanese version of the printer (or so I am told) though they didn't turn out so hot. I really want to get the 2400, but am dragging my feet on it. It's interesting that I have so many digital photos and so few prints (less than 5, I'd say). We have lots of wall space for hanging them too. I plan to try a few local shops and an online service or two before dropping some $$ for the 2400.
Oh yeah, my son preferred the Black and White version of this, though technically, in the gallery, the Black and White is of a different photo.
I congratulated him on his taste. My wife liked the wider shot of the actual bridge and dam. She actually liked it before I processed it which got me to thinking about adding it.