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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> All the Colour Has Gone Out of My Life > 20080111 - Lee's Beard!
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20080111 - Lee's Beard!

Was going to have this as my SP, but saw something else that made me think...

The cushion is what I made Lee's beard out of for last night's TITTC:-

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/100s f/10.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Lee G15-Feb-2008 18:08
Lol. Time for a trim!
Johnny JAG11-Jan-2008 19:30
It's a rugshot.
Ray :)11-Jan-2008 18:54
I didn't know you kept a pussy :)
beverley harrison11-Jan-2008 18:46
i thought chest hair at first...;) have a fab weekend phillip!!
Nicki Thurgar11-Jan-2008 18:44
Goodness what a full beard that is! ;o) Have a good weekend Phillip!