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David Pitcher | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers & Plants > Moonlighting Waves
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02-NOV-2007 David Pitcher

Moonlighting Waves

Carnation, WA.

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Mike Stobbs10-Jun-2010 13:42
Congrats on the 160th S&T...fantastic image David....braVo...Mike
Dennis Camp10-Jun-2010 00:57
Very cool capture.
Peter Stubley09-Jun-2010 21:06
Beautiful abstract shot -- nicely done.
Guest 09-Jun-2010 15:15
Congratulations David on this fine shot, wonderful colour, and a superb blend of clarity and softness through great DoF. A worthy winner of the 160th Show & Tell competition!
Sandi Whitteker09-Jun-2010 15:09
Congratulations on winning the Show and Tell "Blue" Contest with this fabulous shot. It's a real beauty and special capture, and deserves the recognition.
Terry Bowker05-Jun-2010 18:49
Love it!
Jasja van Leeuwen24-Feb-2009 11:45
Great idea and execution, reminds me very much of the famous ´The Great Wave off Kanagawa´ painting.
Peter Stubley23-Feb-2009 17:52
Beautiful shot. Great colour and composition seen by a very creative eye.
Guest 18-Feb-2009 03:07
beautiful design. V
Guest 21-Jun-2008 21:03
A very creative shot and so artistic!
patrick_c03-Nov-2007 00:57
Nice shot David.