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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Loneliness... > Lonely coffee
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08-SEP-2007 Marisa

Lonely coffee

There are times when the flavour of a cup of coffee is not a comforting company.
There are times when adding more sugar doesn’t make anything sweeter.There are times, maybe, when one is simply more tired of thinking.
There are times…

This photo is part of a thematic gallery
called "Loneliness".
Click on the lonely little kite
if you feel like seeing the other pictures.

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Canon PowerShot S60
1/13s f/3.5 at 9.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carol How15-Dec-2009 07:57
So very strongly emotive and so very perceptive of you!
larose forest photos09-Dec-2009 02:46
This is a stong image, very evocative of that sense of loneliness we all feel at times. VV
besbesa 16-Dec-2008 00:06
I was surfing randomly the internet, when one of my searches directed me to lonliness and found this very special shot, it made me say: I sometimes feel this way.

Monte Dodge18-Dec-2007 14:30
Good capture,,, Fits Title to a tee,,, v
blizzard14-Dec-2007 23:30
ypou captured real feeling
and mood
great camra work v
Bernard Bosmans11-Oct-2007 05:00
A very compelling shot and so are your added words, so expressive.
Giancarlo Guzzardi12-Sep-2007 07:37
Marisa, per favore, potresti tradurmi per bene le parole che hai scritto per questa fotografia?... ne ho colto il senso ma vorrei capirne bene il significato. grazie :-)
Giancarlo Guzzardi12-Sep-2007 07:35
hai ripreso una bella scena qui... mi piace molto, il momento, la sua concetrazione, il suo astrarsi... quasi uno spot che illumina un momento, un solo momento della giornata di una persona, piena di momenti, come tanti insignificanti momenti che si sommano ad altri momenti che durano una vita... momenti in cui i pensieri vorresti fermarli o momenti in cui ti lasci andare ai pensieri... momenti in cui una tazza di caffè non può essere certo una compagnia confortante....
shatterbug12-Sep-2007 06:38
Powerful image, Marisa...the blue tones contribute to the mood!
dane12-Sep-2007 00:54
despair personified
olivier bruning11-Sep-2007 21:30
he has a lot on his mind...maybe too much! ~V~
Kal Khogali11-Sep-2007 20:21
The unbearable tiredness of being ;-)...great image. K
Apostolos Tikopoulos11-Sep-2007 19:42
Amazing composition. Nice capture Marisa. V.
Guest 11-Sep-2007 19:42
True... But now the whole world is accompanying him with their supportive comments and best wishes. Lovely composition, V
Paco López11-Sep-2007 16:46
Good capture!! Very nice light, Marisa!! V!