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Robin Lew | all galleries >> Viaggio in Italia 2007 >> Going to Milano > In the queue .. 1090
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In the queue .. 1090


As soon as the plane makes another left turn,
we'll be next for take-off.

Canon PowerShot SD700IS
1/320s f/6.3 at 8.6mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Andrys Basten14-May-2011 07:05
Adding to my 2007 reaction, this year I was reminded of cubism and its intersectiong 'planes' ... :-)
Terry Bowker13-May-2011 19:11
This photograph by Robin Lew evokes the emotional realities of modern commercial air travel today, long lines of aircraft and inclement weather; as well as the anticipation of finally taking the runway for takeoff. I really like the way the trailing edge elements of the wing draw your eye to the markings on the taxiway and the aircraft in line for departure. Congratulations Robin you are the winner!
Mary Ann Campbell23-Apr-2007 15:18
and good sense of the rain, which also brings out the abstract ground pattern. Cool shot.
Andrys Basten23-Apr-2007 05:03
The ground patterns and sense of being on the plane are wonderful.
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