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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cockpit & Aerial Views > 747 Approaching from the East over Alaska.
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747 Approaching from the East over Alaska.

255th Show & Tell Competition: Defying Gravity - WINNER

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Milan Vogrin20-Apr-2015 09:56
Bert Ooms16-Oct-2013 17:50
Fantastic! V
neroxas30-Mar-2013 02:19
powerful impression.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Mar-2013 19:56
My fave today.V
Guest 14-Mar-2009 21:05
Guest 01-Mar-2009 20:38
a real eye catcher.
Guest 25-Feb-2009 19:55
fantastic image
Guest 17-Nov-2008 07:19
What a cracking shot! Superb capture .... voted
Bart Aldrich22-Jun-2008 23:18
That's a great shot!
Jeff B.25-Apr-2008 18:37
Thierry Lucas15-Mar-2008 15:30
Beautiful shot.
Yiannis Pavlis28-Oct-2007 04:49
This is incredible and way beyond beautiful.
Guest 30-Sep-2007 09:35
WOW! Amazing capture.
A big vote from me!
Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 06:58
Brilliant and spectacular work.
Markus Grompe28-Sep-2007 19:04
What a great shot. Hope you win the vanishing point competition...
Ken Zaret28-Sep-2007 01:46
super shot!
Guest 15-Jul-2007 02:37
Gotta love this unusual and rare view. You got a privilege to have this view of the world the rest of us don't have.
xnir24-May-2007 03:18
a big wow :)
Ivan Cholakov24-Apr-2007 00:33
great catch!
Waqas Usman10-Apr-2007 02:16
Another "wow" image! This is quality!
gsl00715-Mar-2007 22:23
Great image - very unique.
Long Bach Nguyen07-Jan-2007 06:42
i have seen this scence before over SFO as JAL passing 4000' underneath me. Still love to see it coming by and passing over or under.
BleuEvanescence25-Dec-2006 05:24
You must be a pilot then...
BAS Photography12-Oct-2006 19:00
WOW! Great shot! ~V~
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