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Maaike Huizer | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> Human > Slapen op straat is verboden
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30-SEP-2006 Maaike

Slapen op straat is verboden


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Terry Bowker09-Oct-2014 04:54
336th Show & Tell Competition: Conversation - WINNER
Maaike Huizer
We tend to assume allot when we see an image like this. It has me wondering what the realities are
and what led to this particular conversation that both men have probably had a number of times.
Nice capture of this not so nice reality. Congratulations on your winning image Maaike!
Dennis Camp19-Mar-2011 01:21
a nice documentary capture, nice work
alfredo camba jr.01-May-2009 15:13
Very nice photojournalistic image! Vote!!
Guest 01-May-2009 08:11
Sadness. Not all life is pretty though....
Guest 11-Feb-2009 22:46
Life isn't easy.
Guest 01-Dec-2008 03:33
Very funny! :P
anuschka07-May-2007 11:56
Excellent capture! V.
Robyco06-Mar-2007 09:13
Words are not needed, Body language says it all... (V)
Dan Chusid01-Feb-2007 00:39
"I'd help you up but I just shined my shoes."
j>a>e>17 :):):)14-Jan-2007 01:56
lost soul needs deep sleep
homeless population grows
across a sad world

"17" pondering, John
olivier bruning06-Nov-2006 16:29
goed! beide heren hebben een erg sprekende lichaamstaal! ~v~