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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Everybody Has a Story > All ears, Shanghai, China, 2006
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All ears, Shanghai, China, 2006

A father comforts his son on the seat of a Shanghai bus. Their ears seem to be listening to each other. I framed this image tightly to emphasize those ears, and bring a sense of intimacy to this image. The noise and chaos of the bus fades. In this moment, only the sound of love can be heard.

Canon EOS 10D
1/320s f/3.2 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Thomas23-Apr-2009 21:24
Sweet and touching.
Alina12-Aug-2007 10:22
It is beautiful portrait of love
Devilgorgor19-Feb-2007 14:01
nicely composed, I like his expression
Guest 29-Oct-2006 08:18
very lovely expression, her they are a lot love, protection, good light on this face!!
well done
Phil Douglis07-Oct-2006 18:30
****A true moment of silent communion between father and son. The subject is a cliche -- we have seen this scene thousands of times. Yet this stands out from them all. Why? Because of its simplicity, the two ears listening in silence for sounds of love yet to come. A very intimate image, abstracted by black and white and your over the shoulder vantage point.
Chris Sofopoulos02-Oct-2006 11:29
Lovely expression you captured and perfect frame!
Guest 01-Oct-2006 04:05
Lovely mood & lightshot.
Guenter Eh30-Sep-2006 20:52
Tenderness and confidence...thanks for the emotion!
caveman_lee30-Sep-2006 16:47
A very nice B&W portrait. Voted.
JSWaters30-Sep-2006 16:04
I can just feel the touch of his soft cheek and instantly sense his feeling of safety and security there on that shoulder.
Kal Khogali30-Sep-2006 09:47
The light and the expression are magical Jen...pure love and care. What a dreamy image ;-)K
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