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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> the_human_condition > Wistful
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Before revision:

Canon EOS 5D
1/160s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bartosz Kotulski17-Nov-2008 21:05
wonderful work. my vote
Dan Chusid03-Nov-2006 06:23
Nicely experimented!
Christine P. Newman11-Oct-2006 04:57
There is more emphasis on the moon abd its possible impact on your mood here.
Phil Douglis09-Oct-2006 17:08
Ai Li beat me to it. This version is lovely -- but I would rather see you confront the viewer. By looking directly into the camera, your emotions will relate to the viewer actively, rather than passively, as here.
AL25-Sep-2006 06:03
I like this color version better. More emotional now that I see your face vaguely, and more beautiful with the overlapping tree sihouettes and moonlight. It's moody. It's intriguing.