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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstractions > Wistful
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Here's pretty much the same image reworked after Phil's comment:

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Roe..16-May-2007 15:12
I favor the bottom thoughts are..she dreams in color..both are excellent..
Guest 20-Sep-2006 19:13
The layers of the trees work and add to the content as well. Nicely done.
Guest 20-Sep-2006 12:22
I like this, Jenene. The composition has a great feel to it.
Phil Douglis17-Sep-2006 18:51
Great start, Jenene, at creating a moody self-portrait. If you worked on it photoshop to move it from this muddied, flat exposure to a more emphatic range of tonality, you would still have the wistful look yet sharpen its emotional content.