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Tachi | all galleries >> Galleries >> September 2006 > At the border line
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SEP-2006 @2006

At the border line

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan


Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/320s f/4.0 at 72.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Dave Wixx30-Sep-2006 02:56
I still have certificates when I won the tug of war and the cricket ball throwing competition at that age!!
Al Chesworth29-Sep-2006 21:14
Oh yes that's the one. Voted.
Susan Leigh29-Sep-2006 12:29
well done Tachi, very creative..great captures!
Jen Bixler29-Sep-2006 12:05
Their faces are so cute! You can feel them giving it their all!
Sue Robertson29-Sep-2006 05:56
Love it. The expressions are priceless.
carol j. phipps29-Sep-2006 03:51
Fantastic. Vote.
Roe..29-Sep-2006 02:31
this is great...
Bill Ewart Jr29-Sep-2006 00:31
EXCELLENT!~ Big vote!
Guest 29-Sep-2006 00:08
Wonderful expressions on their faces!
Sheila28-Sep-2006 23:42
Excellent, Tachi. Very original.
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 23:35
Very well done! Vote!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 23:25
Stunning shot. awesome photography. Vote
Faye White28-Sep-2006 23:13
too cute!!!
laine8228-Sep-2006 23:10
Holding their place in the line !! Good interpretation, Tachi
shatterbug28-Sep-2006 22:41
Great energy here! Several wonderful expressions!
Eckhart Derschmidt28-Sep-2006 22:22
Yoisshou! Great action shot! These kids are giving everything
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:17
Not an easy line there! Nicely composed.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 21:56
Great shot. What expressions!!
Zak28-Sep-2006 21:33
great shot!
wernere0128-Sep-2006 21:22
Wonderful contribution. Love their expressions. gmv
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2006 21:19
The fight for the line ;) Nice one.
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 20:48
yhis is a lovely shot! great expression on the faces! love it!!
Carole Stevens28-Sep-2006 20:37
Stunning idea great shot, amazing faces and expressions, one of the best today!
beverley harrison28-Sep-2006 20:18
great entry!!
chrisse28-Sep-2006 20:13
Great entry, love the expressions too.
John Beck28-Sep-2006 19:43
This is a great entry. I love the looks of determination as well.
Dana28-Sep-2006 19:25
I love the capture of the determined expressions on the faces of the girls, and I like how the background crowds blur as if in an impressionist painting.
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 19:21
Guest 28-Sep-2006 19:19
WOW. Very good entry for this week challenge. Congrats Tachi. GMV
royalld28-Sep-2006 19:12
Yes... teamwork.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 18:28
Nice shot, good fit :)
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:27
Excellent photo, so real.
Ray :)28-Sep-2006 18:19
Super collection of expressions and stances.
Yet the uniform remains the same.
Nice image.
Lee Rudd28-Sep-2006 18:06