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Thursday Challenge: "Greetings from.... Pbase Postcards"

the historic courthouse is in the center

others sending postcards:
Luther Dean
John B
Scott C

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Jul-2006 11:08
Very nice top view. Well done!!1
Johnny JAG28-Jul-2006 05:33
Excellent but a bit toooooo high.
Linda Willets28-Jul-2006 03:12
virginiacoastline28-Jul-2006 00:41
WHOA! you have your own plane?? No? Perhaps a license to fly? THAT's what I wanna do =)
shatterbug28-Jul-2006 00:03
A high five for this one!
Cindi Smith27-Jul-2006 23:25
Beautiful arial shot! Greetings to you too!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 22:26
Nice angle! I like it when PBASErs go the extra mile - in any direction!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 21:11
Very creative. Love this job.
Guest 27-Jul-2006 20:54
High ticket picture! Very impressive.
laine8227-Jul-2006 20:45
Nice view !!
Carole Stevens27-Jul-2006 19:59
Is it the mile high club? Great shot Faye!
JW27-Jul-2006 19:48
Cool shot!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 19:37
High flying shot
Nicki Thurgar27-Jul-2006 18:38
Great viewpoint & nicely framed!
Shayne27-Jul-2006 17:09
Makes me want to visit ~smile~ great job Faye!!!!!!!!
royalld27-Jul-2006 16:24
Great postcard shot.
I moved from Atlanta ,because of the rapid growth.
When I lived in Georgia, Gwinnett was the fastest growing county in U.S.
Today I live in Flagler County, FL.
It is now the fastest growing county in the country.
Can I pick 'em or what?
J. Scott Coile27-Jul-2006 15:13
What a vantage. Lawrenceville has grown since I was there in the late 80s.
John Beck27-Jul-2006 14:22
Very good. I hope to do that this autumn. Like the perspective on it. (Isn't it kind of expensive to rent a plane for the Thursday Challenge). : - }
Bob Floyd27-Jul-2006 13:42
LOL - Ray beat me too it. I was thinking the same thing. Nice shot!
Ray :)27-Jul-2006 12:19
You mean you hired a plane specially? Aww Faye!