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6-21-06 C. Evans

Pelican Patrol

Pointe Dume Beach, CA

I could not believe how close I was to these guys;
too bad the sun was in the wrong position... darnnit!
Ah well, it's okay, I still love these guys ~

"Ooooooh, what a great bird, The Pelican
His beak can hold more than his belly can..."

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Donald Verger23-Jun-2006 09:12
great patterns in the sky and the right wingtips all show the feathers! v
Guest 23-Jun-2006 05:42
Great capture with the group flight!!!
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:17
Great catch! 7 of um! wow!
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:25
Great catch!
Jessica McCollum22-Jun-2006 22:06
Great shot! Cute caption!
Kathy Pedersen22-Jun-2006 21:06
Great shot and title!
Zak22-Jun-2006 20:56
nice catch!
Guest 22-Jun-2006 20:30
enemy planes...straight ahead.
Steve Price22-Jun-2006 20:21
The silhouettes make a powerful composition.
Nicki Thurgar22-Jun-2006 20:17
Nice shot, great silhouettes!
Johnny JAG22-Jun-2006 19:05
Nice one.
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 18:28
I like what you see when you look up :) Super exposure. Not so easy.
Lee Rudd22-Jun-2006 18:23
I really like pelicans!
Scott Browne22-Jun-2006 17:20
Good catch!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jun-2006 16:35
Nice shot.
beverley harrison22-Jun-2006 15:29
great flyby!!
Guest 22-Jun-2006 12:26
Great fly by shot:-)
Yvonne22-Jun-2006 12:06
Great to catch eight one shot!
Sheila22-Jun-2006 11:46
Still, great silhouettes! Wonderful to see so many flying.
Bob White22-Jun-2006 10:46
Great fly past well seen
laine8222-Jun-2006 09:38
Is this a part of the " Look Up " should be ya know !!
Jola Dziubinska22-Jun-2006 08:40
Wonderful view.