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Oleg Moiseyenko's Stock Photography | all galleries >> masters >> Arnold Newman, 1918-2006 > Composer Igor Stravinsky
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Composer Igor Stravinsky

New York, December 1, 1946

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mark 25-Sep-2011 08:32
"best" is always a subjective thing, but I have always thought this the finest portrait I've ever seen, that still never fails to intrigue me 30 odd years since I first came across it in a magazine. It has always been a huge influence on my own work; if there's a lesson in this for photographers, it has to be "keep it simple". It speaks highly of Newman's skills that it still has a contemporary feel 60 years on.
Rowland Scherman 29-Jul-2010 16:29
I have a signed print of this wonderful picture.
Keith J. Crudup 21-May-2010 22:59
Where can I find a reproduction of Arnold Newman Igor Stravinsky at piano.
Guest 21-Jul-2009 09:15
Is it known with wich camera exactly he took this picture ?
Interesting would be the original dimensions of the picture too.

Regards Helge