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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 1 >> When I cannot avoid colors... > Red
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My gratitude for AC's help at work with this image.
Red-haired in B&W is here

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
1/320s f/5.0 at 180.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 21-Jul-2009 22:26
Como os meus filhos 40 anos atrás. Belo retrato, linda e sardenta criança.
As my children 40 years ago. Sensational portrait, beautiful and freckled child.
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte27-Nov-2007 23:16
hi, I fond the red-haired boy!!!!
Wow. I'm such a sucker for redheads. I like the red hair and the freckles, well done,Galina....
Rosemarie Kusserow27-Apr-2007 22:13
Beautiful portrait, I love it, what a lovely smile and the freckles are delightful, a big vote, Rosemarie :o)
Anna Pagnacco23-Feb-2007 04:53
Great portrait.....and collaboration!!! Anna
Andrey Wagner30-Dec-2006 23:41
Guest 17-May-2006 20:52
i like the way you framed this shot,one of those shots where the rules dont matter, nice brave crop on top.wonderful closeup Galina. i think here i prefer the coloured one than the converted.
Donald Verger07-May-2006 09:00
great! see the B and W if you have not!
Ana Carloto O'Shea05-May-2006 11:10
Very good work with this one also. All the colours complement eachother to perfection.
Sue Robertson03-May-2006 01:00
I love the colour version. What wonderful hair.
Tom Beech02-May-2006 16:55
Think I like this color version best.. natural red hair
adds so much. Of course, the whole shot is just great 8-)
shatterbug01-May-2006 23:57
I like this one too!
Guest 30-Apr-2006 21:50
He seems to have freckles on his freckles... Your portraits always demand a second look Galina.
jlm30-Apr-2006 18:26
Fantastic hair color ;-)
Guest 30-Apr-2006 11:49
There is something very nice and straight-forward about the smile...I bet the hair was difficult to get to the right shade...and I would guess it would be tough to convert to black and white without wierd highlights...
ac30-Apr-2006 06:55
Love this red foreground in front of the green backgraound. Beautiful light.
Glendower29-Apr-2006 19:47
Now that's r*e*d!!! Excellent happy portrait of an astonishing case of freckles.
Mostafa Moftah29-Apr-2006 19:45
Of course.. how can avoid this wonderful lovely reddish beauty, great capture Galina. vote.
Chris Sofopoulos29-Apr-2006 19:44
Great smile and fantastic colour! A big vote.