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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Times of the year >> Winter came down to our home one night... > A snowbow, that is a winter rainbow...maybe
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12-MAR-2006 Marisa

A snowbow, that is a winter rainbow...maybe

Jura Mountains (VD) Switzerland

Canon EOS 350D
1/640s f/14.0 at 80.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 01-Apr-2006 16:07
Good... it's the first time I see a snow factory!
Piotr Stankiewicz25-Mar-2006 10:40
I haven't noticed it before. Great photo! Although I would prefer a bit darkner version (probably it would give a bit nicer sky and less overexposed places in the snow area).
Donald Verger18-Mar-2006 13:23
winters jump rope! wow, i can type in pink... go! ps in maine this would be a HOME snowplower
Guest 15-Mar-2006 23:37
Nice catch Marisa -
Gayle P. Clement14-Mar-2006 05:43
Terrific capture.
Karen Stuebing13-Mar-2006 11:53
The light makes this photo. It captures everything in stunning brilliance. GMV.
Gilles Navet13-Mar-2006 11:49
C'a explose de lumière et la douceur est quand même là
Steve Pepple13-Mar-2006 02:46
THe bright orange is well contrasted to the whites and pale blues. Nice capture.
Guest 13-Mar-2006 02:33
snow bow :)
Guy Dube12-Mar-2006 22:37
More snow there then here in Montreal. Nice picture, I like it!
Best regards
Victoria12-Mar-2006 21:51
wow.nice storm !
Mindy McNaugher12-Mar-2006 21:45
Fabulous capture!! Very cool shot!
Cliff12-Mar-2006 21:25
Beautiful capture all round and I love your caption..
Guest 12-Mar-2006 21:16
Beautiful!!! Snow rainbow, exactly what I thought when I saw it, THEN I read your words!
bygaspo12-Mar-2006 20:19
London has had about 2 snow flakes this year, I don't know if I'm pleased or dissapointed about it. Just means I'll never get a snow shot like this. Regards Bygaspo.
Ray :)12-Mar-2006 20:03
Do those machines ever belch out anything gold?
chrisse12-Mar-2006 19:55
Great capture, and a very nice machine. That's a pack of snow there.
Zak12-Mar-2006 19:40
can we borrow that machine? heheh
Jim Ross12-Mar-2006 19:15
Great shot.. Wow, thats a lot of snow...
shatterbug12-Mar-2006 19:11
:-)) Looks like Spring is just around the corner. Nice shot!
s_barbour12-Mar-2006 19:08
Great shot and such a good sense of humor...
myself, I can't wait for the warmth and the sunshine!
Guest 12-Mar-2006 18:20
Neat shot
I want his job!