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Kimberley Hannaman Taylor | all galleries >> Daily Bread >> February 06 PaD B&W Challenge > Dirty Alley B&W
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PaD 17 Feb 06

Dirty Alley B&W

Burlington, Vermont

On the way to the parking garage after viewing "Why We Fight" in Burlington tonight. Ben Cohen (of Ben & Jerry's/True Majority fame) was in house. I shook his hand.

Oh and, I give up on the facial elements thing. I've been getting off some nice shots lately and what can I say?! I have no creative discipline.

Also, my personal opinion is that this shot looks better in color. I had my camera on some weird settings and I love the way the color came out.

Compare here:

Nikon D70s ,AF-S Nikkor 18-70 mm

other sizes: small medium original auto
David Clunas18-Feb-2006 08:43
This was always going to be hard to convert in b&W, I prefer the colour version for now, but the black and white does has something about it.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 04:51
I'll probably be in the minority but I like the B&W better than the color.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 04:44
Beautiful work.
Dan Chusid18-Feb-2006 04:22
Color, yes.
Moody without tho' and that
can be a plus.
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