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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Former PaD Gallery >> August 2005 > crushed glass
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crushed glass

Still working with the light box and some crystal. Used a rock like background.
I decided this image needed a crop. The top part just did not have any real information to contribute to the composition.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/13s f/11.0 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 25-Aug-2005 17:33
A trully creative image. Excellent job
Cliff17-Aug-2005 17:15
Amazing creation - so visually delightful!
viljamix16-Aug-2005 16:21
Interesting, indeed!
Chris Sofopoulos16-Aug-2005 11:52
Very creative.
shatterbug16-Aug-2005 01:41
Very cool!