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Neil Paskin | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourite Shots > Harvey Posing
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Harvey Posing

Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital
1s f/18.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-Nov-2008 12:28
this buthyfull image
Guest 08-May-2006 21:06
Guest 12-Dec-2005 21:19
Absolutely fabulous.....!
Roy Birger Nilsen12-Dec-2005 16:37
Another great shot!Bravo!:-)
Guest 09-Dec-2005 13:02
Great shot! I have a similar shot of my labs...DD
Neil Paskin02-Sep-2005 22:27
Hi John, it was amazing that Harvey stood so still, it was my wife holding a small rock up in the air behind my shoulder which seemed to hold his attention.
Guest 02-Sep-2005 13:45
Excellent shot - brilliant colors, great reflections and wonderful silhouette.
Guest 30-Aug-2005 13:32
Neil, another one of your masterpieces. I agree with the comment about the dog staying still. That in itself is amazing. I like the way you process your images for such dramatic colours. Very appealling.
Hopefully the Digital Photo magazine with your photos will be in the stores here this week, at alast!
Guest 11-Jun-2005 10:17
stunning colors!! great pic!!
Guest 09-Jun-2005 20:58
I have no idea how you got the silhouette of the dog to come out so sharp with a 1 second exposure, but however you did it - it looks stunning! :)