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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Hamilton Ohio / Butler County >> Sculptures > "Touchdown" Jesus
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February 25, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard

"Touchdown" Jesus

Monroe, Ohio

"Touchdown Jesus" is the endearing name many locals have given to this enormous (62 ft. high) sculpture of Jesus. Also known as the "Drowning Jesus" because of the reflecting / baptismal pool in front of him. This was finished last fall and has become somewhat of a local tourist attraction. Here is a website with some info on it:

More Info @ "Roadside America"

Many people around think it's tacky, others think it could be inspiring. It faces Interstate 75 and is very visable both day and night. I will go back another time to catch some daytime shots. The building you see behind it is a 3000 member church - a regular size building - so that should give you some idea of the scale.

I had the added "bonus" of a cool orange moon that rose just over Jesus' shoulder as I was taking shots. The extras:



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