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James E. Schueler


        Impostor300        Description:    Wimple piranha (catoprion mento).
        Wood:Amaranth (Purpleheart) - Central And South America
        Finish:Sherwin-Williams Polyurethane Varnish, High Gloss.
        Size:Approximately 6"H x 8"W x 2"D.
        Notes:The first word (wimple) in the common name of this tropical fish results from the very long dorsal fin which resembles a "wimple," or a popular headdress of females in the Middle Ages. The second word (piranha) derives from the protruding lower lip which gives this species the formidable appearance of the well-known, flesh-eating Piranha. The teeth of the Wimple Piranha, however, are tiny and harmless. Note the more reddish cast of this piece compared to the more subdued hue of "HIPPOCAMPUS," even though both were carved from the same initial block of wood. The only difference in treatment was in the type of "varnish" used.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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