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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Action Photos > Big Stack Near Perisher.
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Big Stack Near Perisher.

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Guest 10-Dec-2008 19:45
This is about to become what we used to call: "A Yard Sale"
where equipment and clothing are strewn across the slope.
Great capture
Guest 31-Dec-2006 17:29
Ahah ! Excellent shot ! :D
Guest 29-Oct-2006 16:39
That's gonna leave a mark!
Guest 26-Jun-2006 07:53
Let me guess: right after this he fell. Am I right? Haha.....great action shot.
Nick Vivian19-Nov-2005 22:43
oops... bet it hurt !
Guest 05-Nov-2005 19:33
Great shot. Skiing is about giving it 110% and this guy does!
Got some skiing action shots myself but not as spectacular as this
Graham Tomlin09-Sep-2005 13:09
nice gallery
Mark L04-Jun-2005 10:43
Perfectly there a sequence??
Made me laugh Ralph.
Benoît Jolivet01-Mar-2005 15:40
Wow incredible !! Vote