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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hawai'i: Culture > Monstera
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3rd place, 140th PBase Show & Tell Competition: "Frame within a frame."

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Yiannis Pavlis17-Nov-2014 14:29
beautifully seen and rendered,great work.
Nick Vivian02-Dec-2009 09:41
brilliant... well done in the competition... got my vote !
Bill Warren01-Dec-2009 14:09
Congratulations GP this shot tied for 3rd place in the 140th Show & Tell Competition: Frame within a frame.
Terry Bowker07-Apr-2009 00:02
Wonderful composition!
Mario Solka10-Mar-2009 19:24
Perfectly executed **V**
Marielou Dhumez04-Feb-2005 22:14
Wonderful surreal work, my dear friend !
thank you for visiting and commenting my work here !