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Iva Stanley | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Look Inside Abandoned State Mental Hospital > Looking Up the Basement Stairs
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Looking Up the Basement Stairs

We went into the basement in the dining hall only to
be greeted by pitch black darkness.
Upon observance using our flashlights, we discovered
what we thought to be a very large pantry. There were huge
bins labeled "Carrots", "Peas", "Potatoes", etc.
It was too dark to get my camera focused on the images we saw.
Once again, we will return with more powerful lighting.
This image was taken from the bottom of the stairs. I didn't like
having my back turned to the darkness. There were rooms we didn't look in.

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Guest 22-Feb-2012 01:59
you would have found the tunnels if you had kept looking down there
belynda 09-Apr-2009 08:31
imagine a patient being abused right about where your standing to photograph these imagine being that patient...druged, beaten, abused, and longing for the ability to grab the strength to run!!!! Your brave!!!
Delvia 04-Apr-2009 04:31
I love the elements in this picture! You and your husband are great photographers. Excellent work.
Dr. Greg House 18-Nov-2007 19:44
Up from the depths of hell...
Leanne 02-Mar-2005 12:30
I am not suprised you didnt like having your back turned , to be honest neither would i!. I got the feeling of creepiness and i must say i was disturbed slightly as you mentioned before the electric was up and running