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First Person Portrait by Jim Clatfeller

If you can see you have no head
Then you command my full respect,
For you are honest, brave, and true,
And anatomically correct!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Digital Nuts09-Jun-2009 14:46
Awwww, now I know you so well! Tana
suchin rai12-Sep-2004 00:15
Wild - Zen
Digital Nuts11-Sep-2004 18:21
Either you have a trained bird standing on your head snapping a photo, or you have a third hand! LOL.
Digital Nuts11-Sep-2004 16:44
Hee it.
Guest 11-Sep-2004 16:25
Cowichan Valley Camera Club11-Sep-2004 15:58
Well at least you can see your feet.
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