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Wm. Bates | all galleries >> Galleries >> Click here for Wanda's PAD Project Extras > Wanda08_19_04recrop.jpg
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I think this slight crop of the PAD photo is a great improvement.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/100s f/4.0 at 85.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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MarcViskens08-Feb-2016 08:28
Very beautiful
G.Pietro Munaretto26-Aug-2005 10:54
Irgeren 20-Aug-2004 17:55
I will agree as well here...the cropped version I like much better as well..

Cropping in tighter...makes Wanda a little more confined by the print edges...This goes along with the quiet almost contemplative expression...Quite, THinking about something a little more personal and private...

The cropping centers us upon her and her eyes draw us in...then the bend in her arm circles you away then back to her again...

Very Nice....
Guest 20-Aug-2004 15:22
I do like the cropped version
very nice!
Guest 20-Aug-2004 07:45
I like this one better.