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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Caterpillars > Virginian Tiger Moth caterpillar-- Spilosoma virginica
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Virginian Tiger Moth caterpillar-- Spilosoma virginica

found eating leaves on White Sweet Clover on shoreline.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Becky 29-Mar-2009 19:00
Question for someone!! my grandson had 2 caterpillars which made cocoons. It turned out that they were the Virginian Tiger Moth caterpillar and one has come out of its cocoon. About 3 days ago, it started laying eggs - and hasn't stopped yet! The other cocoon is still 'sleeping'.
What can I get to feed the caterpillars as they are born andalso, anyone know how long the incubation period for thiese tiny eggs is!